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Updated 27/11/2024


About Founders & Coders

What programmes do you offer at Founders & Coders?

When does the next cohort start?

Can I join the Apprenticeship programme without completing the Software Foundation programme?

What are the eligibility criteria to join the Software Foundation programme?

What are the eligibility criteria to join the Apprenticeship programme?

How much does it cost?

How do I apply?

Can I join your programmes if I do not live in the UK?

How do I join info sessions and applicant meet-ups?

How do I join the applicant discord?

How does the application process work and what are the requirements?

How many Government funded Skills Bootcamps can a person undertake per funding year?

If you have any questions that are not answered on this page, please use the applicant discord server or email us at [email protected].

If you have questions about data engineering or AI, please follow the link below:
