This guide will explain how to install all the software you need to start the course.

Before you start you should read the System Requirements guide to make sure your computer is appropriate. This is especially true for Windows users, since you’ll need a Linux environment for most of this guide to work.

If you hit any problems check the troubleshooting section.

Package managers

We’ll be using a “package manager” to install most things. Package managers are software you use to install other software. They make it easier to install lots of things at once and keep track of everything you have. This is a more structured way than just going to a website, finding the right link and downloading an installer.


If you’re using Linux (even on Windows) you should have the apt package manager already, since it’s the standard way to install things on most Linux distributions.


Macs don’t come with a package manager, so you’ll need to install Homebrew before anything else.

The software

Here’s a quick summary of the things we need. We’ll cover what each one is and how to install it below.


Git is a program for tracking changes to the code you write. Most systems come with this installed, but it’s worth making sure you have a relatively recent version. You can run this in your terminal to check the version:

git --version